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How to use a Yoni Steam


  • Bring 6 cups water to a boil in a pot then turn off heat
  • Open pouch and place herbs in pot
  • Steep herbs for 10 minutes in the water(lid on)
  • Remove herbs from the pot 
  • Remove pot from the stove and transfer the herbal infusion to your steaming station
  • If you do not have a steaming station transfer herbal mixture to a large bowl and place bowl in the toilet for you to sit over.
  • Disrobe from the waist down and place a large blanket or towel over your lap to contain the steam.
  • Wear warm socks or slippers. It’s important to keep your feet warm. 
  • Steam your vagina for about 20 minutes.
  • The steam should feel pleasant, and you’ll likely find the sensation enjoyable.
  • This is a great time to relax. You can write in a journal, listen to music, listen to a guided meditation or set some intentions for yourself.
  • Once the time has passed try to remain wrapped and lie down for a nap. Remember that yoni steaming is a form of self care so don’t rush it!